by Eow@85632 | Jul 2, 2020 | Past projects
CiProVoT – Civil Protection Volunteers Training CiProVoT is an Erasmus+ project which aims to develop a Trans-national training course module for Civil Protection Volunteers (partly peer-education/partly with the use of external expert trainers). The...
by Eow@85632 | Jul 2, 2020 | Past projects
DRIVER+ – Driving Innovation in Crisis Management for European Resilience DRIVER + is the continuation of DRIVER, and seek to drive the next stage of innovation in Crisis Management for European Resilience, and take better into account the needs of Crisis...
by Eow@85632 | Jul 2, 2020 | Past projects
E2mC (Evolution of Emergency Copernicus services) project aims at demonstrating the technical and operational feasibility of the integration of social media analysis and crowd-sourced information within both the Mapping and Early Warning Components of Copernicus...
by Eow@85632 | Jul 2, 2020 | Past projects
Modelling crisis management for improved action and preparedness The CRISMA project focused on large-scale crisis scenarios with immediate human, societal and economic consequences often irreversible. It developed a CRISMA System to model crisis management...
by Eow@85632 | Jul 2, 2020 | Past projects
The BROADMAP project will take the first steps towards future procurement of ‘interoperable next generation of broadband radio communication systems for public safety and security’ (DRS-18) to improve PPDR’s service to Europe’s citizens and enhance interoperability...