Brussels 2018

Home » PSCE Conference Material » Brussels 2018
PSCE Conference ReportPdf
PSCE Brussels Conference Agenda FinalPdf
What will Control Rooms look like in the Near Future?
Distributed Autonomous and Resilient Emergency Management System (DARE): A 5G PerspectivePdf
The 5G Infrastructure AssociationPdf
Introduction to BroadWayPdf
Communication and information solutions for a safer worldPdf
Public Safety Network SAFENET, KOREA
GRALLE, a EU initiative for a GALILEO-based Emergency Warning SystemPdf
Crisis Connectivity Charter
Improving Mapping With the integration of Social Media and Crowdsourcing
Digital Ethics for Responsible Research and Innovation for Disaster Risk Pdf
Applications of blockchain in the PPDR sectorPdf
International Forum to Advance First Responder InnovationPdf
What are the most wanted new solutions to improve Europe PPDR capabilitiesPdf
5G for PPDR: augmenting the PPDR experience Pdf