Long-term towards Evolved 5G and 6G research needs mobilization of massive volumes of ideas, from which the best can emerge and be adopted for standardization. FIDAL seeks to set the standard by fostering open architectures, large experimentation sites, and adopting a multi-stakeholder approach, thus it steps in, targeting the augmentation of human capabilities, enabling Media & PPDR vertical industry players to carry out advanced technological and business validation in large-scale trial facilities of highly innovative and advanced applications, that take full advantage of Evolved 5G technologies. This will provide significantly beneficial feedback to the broader industry, academia, innovators and community before wide commercial deployments of Evolved 5G networks throughout Europe. In order to validate Evolved 5G technologies in a user environment and maximize downstream take up and prepare the ground prepare the ground for 6G, the project will deploy 3 testbeds and 3 large-scale test infrastructures in Greece, Norway, and Spain.

FIDAL will also develop and test innovative BEYOND 5G solutions in the fields of Media, and Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR) through an open call that was rolled out in September 2023. Selected applications will be able to benefit from up to EUR 250,000 in funding to showcase and test their solutions. The selection process will conclude in early 2024.

To learn more, visit the FIDAL Website: