BroadEU.Net Briefing Event on the upcoming procurement (PSCE Conference in Wien side event – 3 June 2024)

BroadEU.Net will be holding a briefing event on the 3rd June, from 14h00-17h30 CET in Vienna (Austria) at the National Defence Academy.

Building up on the results of BroadMap and BroadWay projects, supports the preparation of EU governance and seeks to mature the standardised technology to realise EU Critical Communication System (EUCCS) and the Operational Mobility capability for PPDR.

The aim of the briefing is to provide general information on the features of the upcoming procurement and prepare the market to meet the contracting authority’s requirements. This will be also an opportunity to meet suppliers and to set-up consortiums.

The procurement is intended to develop mission critical mobile broadband communication testbeds, cross-connect them and to test in cross-border trials involving at least 4 cross connected countries/MCX servers.

Additional information will also be provided in the following day during the PSCE conference by David Lund, coordinator of the project.

BroadEU.Net Event Registration.

BroadEU.Net website.